More and more people are getting concerned about protecting our environment. However, quite a few are still not aware of x-ray film recycling or what a silver recycler is. It is a fact that xray film that is not needed anymore can be recycled. Medical clinics, hospitals, doctors' offices and dentists often fill entire storage rooms with old xray film. There are certain recovery companies that will retrieve that used film and recycle it.

Industrial Surplus, Inc. in Columbus, Ohio, is one of these recovery companies. Every type of xray film, including dental x-ray film and NDT film, can be recycled by them. Many do not know that certain types of xray film contain silver. Depending on the silver recovery method, one kilo of xray film can yield anywhere between 3 and 9 grams of silver. Not bad, and what a waste to dump it in a landfill. All recovery companies are not able to do silver recovery from x-ray film, but Industrial Surplus in Columbus, OH has the specialized equipment needed for the xray recycling process and can reclaim the silver from the film, in addition to other recyclable substances. This keeps the otherwise almost indestructible xray film away from the landfills, and puts it instead to beneficial use.

NDT film, also known as Non Destructive Testing film, is a type of xray film that contains different chemicals than the regular xray film. Industrial Surplus also has the capability to reclaim these chemicals and recycle the film. The same applies to dental xray film. It would be very beneficial for anyone in the medical environment to contact Industrial Supply and inquire about the needed procedures for silver recovery from x-ray film. Once the silver has been can be reclaimed from the film, clean plastic is left behind. This is recycled and has many uses and is in great demand.

There is no need to worry about how to transport the old film to Industrial Surplus, Inc. The silver recycler will pick up the film from the location where it is stored and take it to their recovery facility, where it will be recycled. There is no question that xray film recycling is both economically and environmentally the superior way to dispose of the old film. At the end of the x-ray recycling, the old film is gone and nobody has contributed to environmental waste, but instead helped the local community.