Industrial Surplus Inc. is a family owned and operated company interested in purchasing and recycling x-ray film in Dallas, TX. When you hear the word recycling, most people think of newspapers, cardboard and plastic bottles. X-ray film recycling and a silver recycler are not the first thoughts that come to mind. 

Today, more than ever, individuals and companies are “going green” and recycling in droves; with good reason. Recycling is not only beneficial for the environment, but can be a cost-effective benefit for the responsible business owner as well. 

So, why recycle dental x-ray film or use an x-ray recycling service like Industrial Surplus Incorporated? For starters, x-ray recycling became mandatory in 1996. At first glance, x-ray film appears to be a clear paper or plastic, but there’s more than meets the eye. That film is actually made of PET or Polyethylene Terephthalate plastic and coated in silver. Simply tossing that dental xray film in the trash can be detrimental to our environment and is comparable to tossing money in the trash. The film eventually finds itself in the local landfill where the silver and PET materials, made from oils, can leech into drinking water. Silver is a rare earth element and is financially valuable to its owner. Xray film recycling companies are also recovery companies and use a delicate process for silver recovery from x-ray film. This is important because, not only is the film itself recycled, but the silver recycler, after recovering the silver, sells this natural element to companies to be made into new items we use every day. This makes the silver recovery from x-ray film a financial benefit to business owners, what business wouldn’t want to save a little money?

X-ray recycling is not limited to dental and medical film, but includes NDT film or non-destructive testing film. NDT film is used in dark rooms and for radiographic use for inspecting non-living materials without jeopardizing the integrity of the items being inspected. While there are many NDT film manufacturers, some of the well-known brands include; Kodak, Fujifilm and Agfa. 

Questions often arise about the safety and privacy of the information contained on the film and the environmental impact of recycling. However, Industrial Surplus Inc. and other xray film recycling and recovery companies are required to register with the EPA and recycle in an environmentally- friendly manner. They must also comply with HIPAA’s, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, rules for disposing of medical and other patient sensitive materials. Confidentiality is an integral part of this business.

When choosing a recycling company in Dallas, know that Industrial Surplus Inc. is a member of the Better Business Bureau, strives for customer satisfaction and pays top dollar.